Samantha Taylor Needlepoint - Finishing

Needlepoint Finishing ››

We use the Memling Designs for illustrations on how to finish needlepoint. Please select an image above to read and see more information.

Needlepoint Finishing - instructions - suggestions and ideas for finishing needlepoint into area rugs - hall runner rugs - carpets - throws - bench covers - foot stools - table runners - fire screens - pillows - cushions - frames - coasters - external hard drive cases - cell phone cases and more.

Memling is an extremely versatile needlepoint pattern - offering vibrant accents and a world where the past meets the present. A perennial design dating back to 2000 B.C. - will splash your decors with a variety of geometric shapes and colors to compliment ... any assortment of rooms.

Deftly combine - jumbles of patterns - and the whimsical spirit of this historical needlepoint design - into one chic package - as a single rug or combine two or more canvases for larger area rugs - of the dimensions desired - adding a border or not.


This is an ongoing section of our websites - where we propose to offer complete articles and photographs - about the multiple needlepoint *hidden secrets*

Please check frequently - as we add more information.

Jan Voich Designs

About Needlepoint

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Feel free to email or phone us - with any questions - to provide some feedback on our products - give us suggestions for new ideas and themes - or to just say hello !

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